IDEA Skilled Birth Attendant (SBA)Training – 2022

Project 345 Annual Report 2022

The Ministry of Health has adopted a policy to offer SBA training to health personnel. There is high demand for skilled birth attendants in Nepal especially in the rural communities. As per the changing trends and innovations taking place, health personnel need to be equipped by special training such as SBA to offer better services for safe deliveries in the communities. Thus, in consultation with the concerned authorities of the Health Ministry, IDEA managed SBA training in 2022.

This program started at the beginning of September 2022 in Pokhara with 15 participants. The program was completed by the second week of December, 2022. All 15 participants received placement in their respective communities. The local Municipal authorities have already offered them employment contracts on a temporary basis. Upon their satisfactory performance they will be offered permanent positions when the Public Service Commission opens national vacancies. Priorities will be given to those who are working on temporary placements.

IDEA believes that this training is a success as it is based on problem-based teaching. The participants apply their newly learnt skills and knowledge into their daily responsibilities. Thus, it has a positive impact in the community by saving the lives of mothers and children.

This project was funded by TRAS Canada with a support of 15,000 Canadian dollars. The financial audit report and program report were submitted to TRAS.

One student wrote: “I have learnt, through my training on how to handle safe delivery in my health post with confidence.”

Another wrote: “Working in the rural community health post where health personnel are in demand, I now can handle safe delivery cases”

Read more about the SBA Training Project here