On December 3 – Giving Tuesday – give the gift of life by donating to midwifery training in Nepal and helping to increase the chances of babies in remote rural regions living and thriving.
A generous TRAS donor will match all donations received on this one day, so your gift will go twice as far.
Rural Nepal ranks among the highest in the Asia Pacific region for infant and maternal mortality. IDEA, TRAS’s new partner in Nepal, trains young women in midwifery and practical nursing to help alleviate this problem.
TRAS is raising funds to pay for the 18-month midwifery program for four students – all from remote districts, and all with the desire and determination to receive professional training and serve their local communities.
$85 will pay for one month of training for one student.
Goal: $6,100 by December 31.
Funds raised to date: $1,200
Funds needed: $4,900
For more information about other projects that you can support, please see our 2019 Winter Newsletter
Thank you for your generosity!