
Photos from the CTA Department of Health

May 18, 2021 – Photos from the Central Tibetan Association, Department of Health – “pictures of our health workers, hospital administrator and frontline workers in action providing essential services to the Tibetan refugees in India”

Personal Protection Equipment for Tibetan Clinics in Nepal Update

In December, TRAS responded to a request from the Central Tibetan Administration and Snow Lion Foundation (SLF) to fund PPE supplies for healthcare workers in the 12 clinics in the Tibetan settlements in Nepal. With your generosity, we have sent the first instalment of $7,000 which has been used to purchase much needed supplies including face masks, gloves, PPE suits, face shields, and boots. With the pandemic situation evolving, the needs are also changing. In late 2020, lock down was eased and cases became stable. Supplies became more accessible with more reasonable transport and shipping expenses. 

Currently, however, with cases once again rising each day, SLF requested for the funds to be used not only for personal protection gear but also for disinfection and sanitation supplies. As a grassroots organization founded on the mantra of listening to our partners and supporting their needs, TRAS agreed. Overall, SLF plans to distribute these disinfection supplies to the Tibetan settlements to support 9 schools, 7 settlements, 5 elders homes, and 12 clinics. As the situation continues to evolve, we will continue to be in close communication with SLF, receiving regular updates on their needs and use of funding. 

CTA Nurses Vocational Training Project during COVID

Each year, TRAS supports up to eight Tibetan students who are studying towards their nursing degrees at post-secondary institutions in India. Despite the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, each of our scholarship students continues to flourish professionally, academically, and socially. Their hard work will pay dividends to the Tibetan settlements in India where they will one day work to support their family and better their community.

1st Year student studying from home

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In the words of one student, “[I am] humbled to receive this scholarship and would like to express my heartfelt thanks for your generosity … [it] will not go unappreciated.”

Nursing student changing dressing