Robert Fitzpatrick Memorial Fund

The Robert Fitzpatrick Memorial Fund was established by his wife, Marthena in March 2023

Robert Edward Fitzpatrick was born in 1945 on a farm near Vankleek Hill, Ontario.  His mother was a teacher and was widowed with six children to raise and a farm to run. Robert learned early the values of hard work and helping others—and he had the energy for it!  He studied at Laurentian University and later, he and his wife, Marthena were married in 1973.  They moved to Vancouver in 1984 and Robert ran his own construction company until his retirement in 2000. 

Robert and Marthena became enamored by the effective projects TRAS were involved in and became regular supporters. Marthena knew that creating a memorial fund would be a wonderful way to help support TRAS, and to leave a legacy for Robert and what he cared about in this world. Those who knew him variously described Robert as a man “whose smile made you feel as if you were just the person he wanted to see”, and “a good man with a good heart”. 

Marthena writes “He will always be missed. Thanks to TRAS for this splendid opportunity to commemorate Robert and the causes he supported.”

If you would like to donate to the Robert Fitzpatrick Memorial Fund to support Tibetan youth you can do so by:

  • Credit card online via CanadaHelps
    CanadaHelps is a registered charity that supports Canadian charities by providing a platform for online donations.
  • Bank e-transfer to and include a note that your donation is for the Robert Fitzpatrick Memorial Fund.
  • Credit card by phoning the TRAS office at 604-224-5133 (the phone line is monitored regularly).
  • Cheque made out to TRAS. Please note “Robert Fitzpatrick Memorial Fund” on the bottom of the cheque, and mail it to:

    1183 Melville St 
    Vancouver, BC, V6E 2X5

Georgina Henderson Memorial Fund

Georgina died peacefully at home in Victoria, BC on November 27, 2022. Georgina and her husband Irwin have been long-time supporters of TRAS.

Georgina was enthusiastically involved in the Victoria branch of TRAS from the early days in the 1960s until they finally and sadly closed their branch in 2015.  During those 50 years that little branch imported lovely Tibetan rugs and sold them at every possible kind of venue – they put on all sorts of other events and sales until, as Georgina said, they were all just too old to be lugging carpets all over the place! The many thousands of dollars they raised went to support the Tibetan Settlement in Mundgod, south India, in particular the hospital which had been set up there by Canadian Judy Tethong and the Old People’s Home.

Georgina was a wonderful friend to the Tibetans.

If you would like to make a donation to TRAS to honour and celebrate Georgina’s life, you can do so by:

E-transfer to email address: and add reference “Georgina Henderson Memorial Fund”

Credit card online via CanadaHelps

Credit card by phoning the TRAS office at 604-224-5133 (the phone line is monitored regularly)

Cheque made out to TRAS. Please note “Georgina Henderson Memorial Fund” on the bottom of the cheque, and mail it to:
1183 Melville St
Vancouver, BC, V6E 2X5

Thank you for honouring Georgina’s memory.

IDEA Skilled Birth Attendant (SBA) Training in Nepal

For more than 20 years, the Innovative Development Education Academy (IDEA) in Pokhara, Nepal had been running an 18-month midwifery education/training course for girls and women from remote areas of Nepal which helped save lives of mothers and children in the remote areas of Nepal. In 2019-2021 TRAS was able to pay for 10 students to receive their Midwifery Certificate.

Read more about the IDEA Midwifery Project here.

This “old” program was cancelled by the Nepalese Ministry of Health at all institutes without their own 100-bed hospital, so IDEA was compelled to seek alternative ways to offer training. In coordination with the Ministry of Health, IDEA was able to implement an intensive 3-month Skilled Birth Attendant (SBA) course. The SBA course is offered to medical personnel (2 month residential and 1 month internship training) so they can augment the midwifes’ work by intervening where difficult deliveries mean mother and baby are at risk.

IDEA will be selecting 15 students every three months for this advanced SBA training with the requirement that after graduation they will be returning to their rural communities to help provide safe delivery for mothers and babies. The results of this program have been very successful and the Ministry of health is satisfied.

In November, 2024 Mr R.C.Devkota, Founder and Director of IDEA wrote: IDEA has a long history of development experience in rural Nepal since its establishment in 1984. One of the most successful development programs is promotion and production of health personnel and development of their professional capabilities through education and training. We have 25 years of experience in production of midwives through midwifery education in Nepal to support the Government of Nepal for the grassroots level health workers like Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM). Now we have been focusing on Skill Birth Attendant (SBA) training to reduce unwanted pregnancies and to reduce mortality rate during deliveries. All these SBAs will be available at all the rural birthing centres to cater the needs of the rural population. Thus, we need the support from TRAS to train many more SBAs in the days to come to meet the demand of health professionals in Nepal. The goal of the National Safe Motherhood program is to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality and to improve the maternal and neonatal health through preventive and promotive activities as well as addressing avoidable factors that causes death during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period. Evidence suggest the factors behind the maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality outcome in Nepal are delay in seeking care; delay in reaching care; and delay in receiving care. Thus, SBA training is vital to meet the demand.

From 2022 to 2026 TRAS has agreed to support 15 students and currently needs $17,000 CAD ($1,134 CAD for each student). A generous donor has already provided some funding for this project, and we are hoping that others will match his donation.

Scholarship Success Stories

  • Sangay

Sangay’s case history received by TRAS in 2015 from the Dekyiling Handicraft Centre, Dehradun:

Sangay came from Arunachal Pradesh with her parents 4 years ago. Later her parents separated and Sangay, along with her sister remained with their mother. Her mother, a very hard worker,  joined the Dekyiling Handicraft Centre and was able to receive  much needed financial support, however she still needed a sponsor to help with her young daughter’s education. It will be a blessing if a sponsor is found soon.

Sangay was sponsored by Nancy in 2015, who continued to support her until her graduation in June, 2022. Through the sponsorship program she was able to attend the Tibetan Home School in Mussoorie and graduate with top marks. Sangay then applied for and received admission at the Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health Sciences College of Nursing, Patel Nagar, Dehradun.

The TRAS Scholarship Fund (TSF), established through the generosity of two anonymous donors, provides bright young students with the opportunity to continue their education after high school. With the knowledge and skills gained from quality universities in India, these students are then able to return home and make a powerful and tangible difference within their communities! The TSF has continued to flourish with generous donations from our members.

The clear benefits and successes of the TSF pilot program encouraged TRAS to invite the Dekyiling Handicraft Centre to participate.  Thanks to the TSF and their own hard work, several students have graduated. 

Sangay applied for and received a three year scholarship through the Dekyiling Handicraft Centre and is now on her way in becoming a nurse.

TRAS is very proud of both programs and of the hard working students.

Please see the delightful letter Sangay has written to her sponsor.

  • Tenzin K

Tenzin’s Case History received by TRAS in 2011 from the Dekyiling Handicraft Centre, Dehradun

Tenzin was born in 2003 and she came with her mother from Bhutan like many other Tibetan refugees. Tenzin’s parents came from Tibet in 1959 and took refuge in Bhutan after the Chinese forcefully occupied Tibet.  Tenzin’s father died in 2005 due to a prolonged illness leaving behind a two year old daughter and her mother. Tenzin’s mother is in poor health and cannot do any hard work. She was hired as a babysitter at the Dekyiling Handicraft Center to look after the babies while their mothers worked in the centre. Since her mother is drawing a limited salary and has no other source of income we are reaching out to find a sponsor. So your kind support is very much needed for her to pay basic education fees and daily amenities.

Tenzin was sponsored by Gabrielle in 2011 until her graduation in 2021.  Through the sponsorship program Tenzin was able to attend school and graduate with top marks. She then applied for and received admission at the Ram Institute of Hotel Management in Dehradun, India.

Tenzin applied for and received a three year scholarship for her Bachelor Degree in Hotel Management through the Trans-Himalayan Scholarship Fund (TSF) and the Dekyiling Handicraft Centre.

The TRAS Scholarship Fund (TSF), established through the generosity of two anonymous donors, provides bright young students the opportunity to continue their education after high school. With the knowledge and skills gained from quality universities in India, these students are then able to return home and make a powerful and tangible difference within their communities! The TRAS scholarship was able to flourish with the generous donations from our members.

TRAS is very proud of both the Sponsorship and Scholarship programs and of the hard working students. 

Tenzin’s sponsor had communicated with TRAS many times before she passed away in 2021 on how proud she was of being a sponsor and how proud she was of Tenzin.

Scholarship Program Update

Please read the success stories on Sangay and Tenzin K. Both young women were sponsored through TRAS and after graduation received scholarships to continue their education.

Read about the TRAS Scholarship Fund here.

Please donate today to the Scholarship Fund

Thank you!