POSTPONED due to COVID-19 outbreak —– The Tibetan Nuns Project: Thirty Years of NGO work in Dharmsala, India

Dr Elizabeth Napper

TRAS is delighted to invite you to a talk by Dr. Elizabeth Napper, a longtime friend of TRAS. 

Dr. Elizabeth Napper is Co-Director of the Tibetan Nuns Project, an NGO that has been working in India since 1987 with nunneries representing all the main Tibetan Buddhist traditions helping them to develop educational programmes for their nuns.  A major part of that effort was establishing the program of studies and testing that have led to, beginning in 2016, the historic granting to nuns, upon completion of a seventeen year course of study and four years of testing, of the Geshema degree.

TRAS funded some of the construction of the Dolma Ling Nunnery near Dharamsala for nuns recently released from prison in Tibet in 1994. Dr. Napper will bring us up to date on the nuns’ progress and also give us a timely overview of the Tibetan situation generally in Dharamsala today.

Dr. Napper received her Ph.D. in Buddhist studies from the University of Virginia and has taught at the University of Virginia, Stanford University, and the University of Hawaii.  She is author of Dependent-Arising and Emptiness, co-author of Fluent Tibetan, editor of Mind in Tibetan Buddhism, and co-editor of Kindness, Clarity, and Insight by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. 

Dr. Napper divides her time between the Pacific Northwest and Dharamsala, India.

We welcome Dr. Napper and hope you can join us for her talk.

Date: Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Time: 7 pm

Where: 456 Moberly Road, Vancouver

Admission by donation.         Handicrafts for sale.        Refreshments

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