Annual Sponsorship Report 2023-2024

The Himalayan region is both spectacularly beautiful, and at the same time, one of the poorest regions in the world. Sponsorship enables these Tibetan children to receive a quality education as well as learn more about their Tibetan culture and language.

The sponsorship program began in May 1964 with 13 sponsors. Today we have 73 sponsors supporting 119 children. Over the years our sponsors have helped over 815 children graduate with many of them going on to post-secondary studies.

In 2023-24 we had 10 children graduate, 1 was selected as destitute and is receiving free education and 1 did not return to school as her father had passed away and her mother wanted her at home.

School reports, letters and cards were forwarded to many sponsors during the year. Many sponsors send cards and letters, and they have been warmly received by the children who love to hear from their sponsors.

Sponsorship disbursements are sent to the schools and settlements twice a year and we thank everyone who has paid for the 2024 year. Sponsorship renewal letters will go out in December via email.

We would like to help give as many Tibetan children as we can, a chance to grow up healthy and with enough education to improve their lives and those of their families and communities.

Please contact us at or call 604-224-5133 if you would like to sponsor a child